Protecting Capital

How Pender Thinks about Risk

How Pender Thinks about Risk

Written by Felix Narhi

“All investment evaluations should begin by measuring risk.” — Charlie Munger, Vice Chairman – Berkshire Hathaway We are old fashioned when it comes to our definition of risk.  We concur with the dictionary’s basic term, […]

April 19, 2023
Protecting Capital

Sharpe Ratio

Written by PenderFund

Almost all investments come with an element of risk but does this risk contribute to your return? Sharpe ratio is one of the calculations available to investors to assess returns on a risk-adjusted basis – […]

October 4, 2016
Protecting Capital


Written by PenderFund

Beta is a measure that investors can use when assessing a potential investment for volatility. Beta measures correlation to the market (or a benchmark) and how susceptible a stock or fund is to the fluctuations […]

October 4, 2016
Protecting Capital


Written by PenderFund

Alpha is the measure of a fund’s actual performance above its anticipated performance, as predicted by beta. Take the fund’s performance against its benchmark on a risk-adjusted basis to ascertain the excess. This relative outperformance […]

October 4, 2016


Written by PenderFund

At Pender, we consider ourselves owners of a business, not just its stock, which means that when we think about risk we believe that real investment risk is not measured by fluctuations in a stock’s […]

October 4, 2016
Protecting Capital

Utilities – Reward-free risk?

Written by Felix Narhi

Paraphrasing Charlie Munger, as investors, all we want to know is where we are going to die, so we won’t go there. Common sense dictates that investors should avoid overcrowded trades in companies with lots […]

July 29, 2016
Protecting Capital


Written by PenderFund

Duration is a measure of a bond’s price sensitivity to a change in interest rates. It is a key factor in differentiating how funds are positioned for interest rate risk. The longer the duration (the […]

May 5, 2015