Equity Funds

Effective June 28, 2024, the Pender Small/Mid Cap Dividend Fund merged with the Pender Small Cap Opportunities Fund. On completion of the merger, all of the assets and investments of the Pender Small/Mid Cap Dividend Fund were transferred to the Pender Small Cap Opportunities Fund and unitholders of the Pender Small/Mid Cap Dividend Fund became unitholders of the Pender Small Cap Opportunities Fund.

Performance (%) – January 31, 2025Class1 Mo.3 Mo.6 Mo.1 Yr.2 Yr.3 Yr.5 Yr.10 Yr.15 Yr.YTDSince InceptionInception Date
Pender Partners FundF21.37.212.334.
Pender Small Cap Opportunities FundF-1.47.820.652.225.68.816.412.616.6-1.416.32009-06-01
Pender Value FundF1.29.019.955.624.
Pender US Small/Mid Cap Equity FundF2024-11-29
Annual Performance (%)Class20172018201920202021202220232024YTD
Pender Partners FundF25.6-36.4-11.10.716.3-
Pender Small Cap Opportunities FundF9.6-15.420.347.826.0-
Pender Value FundF8.0-8.519.320.1-0.8-30.67.755.91.2
Pender US Small/Mid Cap Equity FundF

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