Meet Lucy Nair, MBA

February 8, 2023
Written by PenderFund


What do you do at Pender? 

“I’m a senior business development manager. That is essentially inside sales, working on the retail sales team. I also supervise the other insides on the team.  

A typical day for Lucy involves working closely with Pender’s sales regional vice presidents who meet with investment advisors. Business development managers, like Lucy, are usually based at the office, making calls to advisors, and raising awareness about Pender—spreading the ‘Pender Love’. Lucy’s territory is British Columbia and Saskatchewan 

Lucy started at Pender after graduating from university and a year working at a local investment brokerage. Her journey here shows how we support our employees to grow and develop. Her first job was working at the front desk. “At that time there were only eight people here and we had four funds. Dave [Barr] was the only portfolio manager in house. I worked closely with the finance team and with compliance and trading. I also got to work closely with the Board of Directors as Corporate Secretary for our publicly traded closed-end fund, Pender Growth Fund, which was a great experience. For about two years, I worked in both the marketing department and as an investing assistant before focusing solely on marketing. So, it was definitely a mix.” 

How did you transition into your current role? 

I hadn’t done sales before, but I had been sitting with the team in the office and it seemed like they were having fun and it looked like an interesting job. In 2018, there was an opening on the team, so I spoke to the then vice president of national retail sales and asked if it was something that I could do because I’m a bit of an introvert and not as outgoing as some of the others on the team. But the VP was great and said I should give it a shot. And here I am!”  

What’s one of the best things about working at Pender? 

One of the best things about working in sales at Pender is the learning, says Lucy. “There’s so much product knowledge; I’ve learned so much about the funds, the industry, and markets. I’m constantly learning something new. Plus, there is the variety of talking to different people. It keeps the job interesting.”  

The biggest plus for Lucy is working with the team. “We have a really great team of people at Pender, so that’s number one. I also enjoy helping clients find solutions and, of course, I’m also happy to close a sale, too. It’s exciting and it gives me a sense of accomplishment. It’s nice to see your efforts pay off.” 

What kind of credentials did you need to have?  

I completed my CSC before starting at Pender and didn’t need any additional accreditation for my current role, but I finished my MBA last December!  

What keeps you going?  

“Oh, that’s a good question. I’m motivated to succeed. I don’t like to stagnate. And I love to figure out how things work. I’m also driven by working with other people and sharing ideas. Everyone on my team tries to help each other improve.” 

What do you like to do in your free time? 

“I love to ski in Whistler, B.C., travel, work out, and watch some really ‘high-quality’ reality TV shows!” 

Lucy, if you had the power to improve one thing in the world, what would it be?  

“The first thing that comes to mind is to solve poverty and homelessness.” 

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